SPEAK UP FOR BIRDS! is seeking volunteers.
Speak Up For Birds! is a network of volunteers who lend their voices to ensure that bird conservation is given proper consideration when new building projects work their way through the city’s permitting process.
Here’s what Speak Up For Birds! volunteers do:
Join several organizing meetings (via zoom) for basic training on how to advocate effectively for bird-friendly buildings at a city plan commission meeting.
Attend at least 2 city plan commission meetings a year. These are held at Chicago City Hall on weekdays during business hours and usually last several hours.
Assist in submitting online letters of support for bird-friendly buildings for specific projects.
To learn more, and to Speak Up For Birds! contact us at:
The best time to make Chicago bird friendly was 50 years ago.
The next best time is right now.
Help Bird Friendly Chicago ensure that birds can migrate safely through our city for decades to come!!
Sign our declaration as a scientist or an organization by filling out the following form.
Sign our declaration as a concerned individual by filling out the form below. If you would like to contribute to our efforts as a volunteer, please check the boxes that apply.
Photo above, pc: Dan Lory