Bird Friendly Chicago



Voice your support by completing the survey below.

Why we need to speak up now:

Release of the new City of Chicago sustainable development policy has stalled again! We worked with the city over the past seven years to craft this policy, that would require new projects through the Department of Planning and Development to meet bird-friendly design standards. But it is being held up by reservations that it will stifle development by adding costs and delays in acquiring bird safety materials. 

We cannot wait any longer to stop needless bird deaths occurring to already dwindling avian populations.

Please take the survey below and pass this along to others in the Chicago metro area, especially Chicago residents.  We encourage you to add comments in the survey that reinforce the following critical points:

  • The population of North American birds has dropped nearly 30% since 1970. That's almost three billion birds gone.  Numbers of migrating land birds passing through Chicago are declining at the rate of 5% each year.

  • Thousands of birds are documented, and tens of thousands more birds are estimated to die every year in Chicago from collisions with dangerous glass building features—something the world became keenly aware of during the mass casualty events downtown and at McCormick Place in October, 2023.

  • Chicago is ranked as posing the greatest threat to migratory birds of any city in the country, and it is therefore our duty to take the strongest actions to prevent the deaths of irreplaceable, innocent and environmentally crucial birds.

  • Every year of delay implementing bird safety measures has resulted in the construction of more deadly buildings that will kill thousands of birds for decades of each building's existence.

  • Bird protection is part of essential environmental protection on which the health of our world depends and is a vital priority that overshadows cost and delay concerns.

Take the survey here:

Thank you for your support!

Other ways you can take action:

Sign our declaration as a scientist or an organization by filling out the following form.

Sign our declaration as a concerned individual by filling out the form below. If you would like to contribute to our efforts as a volunteer, please check the boxes that apply.

Photo above, pc: Dan Lory